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Writer's picturejess spain

Tapping Into The Full Moon

Embracing the energy of the full moon is a practice that connects people to the natural rhythms of the Earth and the cycles of life. The full moon has long been associated with heightened emotions, increased energy, and spiritual clarity. In many cultures, it is seen as a time of illumination, completion, and reflection, making it the perfect moment to harness its powerful energy for personal growth, transformation, and manifestation.

One of the key aspects of working with full moon energy is release. The full moon is a time when the lunar energy is at its peak, making it an ideal moment to let go what no longer serves you so you can invite in what you truly desire.

Many people use this time to write down things they wish to let go of, whether it be old habits, negative patterns, or lingering emotions, and symbolically release them through rituals such as burning the list or burying it in the earth. This act of release creates space for new beginnings and aligns you with your higher purpose.

Burn Release:

  • Start by sitting with yourself quietly for a moment. Allow your mind to settle, allow yourself to be in your own energy for a few minutes.

  • Write down some of the things that you would like to let go of, the things that you feel like are holding you back. Sometimes I write for a long time, pages. Other times it is just a simple list. There are no rules, just put the pen to paper and let it flow.

  • In a fire safe vessel, like an abalone shell, place some cleansing herbs (juniper, lavender, rosemary, palo santo) and make a small fire for your paper.

  • When your fire is ready close your eyes and say goodbye energetically to the things you have written down and place the paper in the fire

  • Stay with your fire until it goes all the way out and return the ashes to the earth.

Meditation under the full moon is another way to tap into its energy. The moonlight is believed to enhance spiritual awareness, offering clarity and insight into personal or emotional matters. By meditating outdoors, soaking in the moon’s glow, you can deepen your connection to your inner self and the universe. This can be a time for reflection on the past month’s experiences, gaining perspective, and allowing yourself to receive intuitive guidance. The concept of immpermance is something that I find to be very helpful with letting go. The full moon is all about loosening the grips we have to what we are familiar with to be open to the new things coming our way.

Impermanence Meditation:

Charging crystals and other spiritual tools under the full moon is a common practice. The moon’s energy is believed to cleanse and amplify the power of stones like quartz, amethyst, or moonstone, making them more effective for healing, protection, or manifestation. Simply placing your crystals outside or on a windowsill where they can absorb the moon’s light is a way to rejuvenate their energy.

How To Charge Your Crystals:

  • Take your crystals out and place them in a window or on a tray safely outside under the light of the full moon.

  • Take them back inside in the morning.

Full moon water is water that has been charged and infused with the energy of the full moon. Many people believe that the full moon’s energy is particularly powerful, and by exposing water to the moon’s light, they can capture some of that energy for use in rituals, spiritual practices, or daily life. The concept of making full moon water stems from various traditions in which the moon is seen as a symbol of intuition, emotion, and powerful transformation.

How to Make Full Moon Water

  • Choose a Clean Container. You can use glass jars, bottles, or bowls, ideally made of clear glass to allow the moonlight to penetrate the water fully.

  • Fill the container with clean, fresh water. Some people prefer to use spring or filtered water to symbolize purity and clarity.

  • Place Under Moonlight. Set the container outside or by a window where it can directly absorb the moonlight. It’s best to place it out just after sunset and leave it out until dawn. If the weather is cloudy, some still believe that the energy of the full moon will reach the water, even if the moon is not directly visible.

  • Bring It Inside by Morning. Be sure to collect the water before the sun rises, as the water is meant to absorb lunar energy rather than solar energy.

Uses of Full Moon Water:

Full moon water is often used in a variety of spiritual and ritual practices. Making and using full moon water is a simple yet powerful way to connect with the lunar cycle, amplify intentions, and incorporate moon energy into everyday life. It serves as a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the deep connection between the moon and human emotions, intuition, and spiritual growth. Here are some common ways people use it:

- Drinking: If the water is clean and safe to drink, some people sip full moon water to internalize the energy and benefits they've charged it with, such as healing, balance, or emotional release.

- Cleansing and Ritual Baths: Full moon water can be added to a bath to spiritually cleanse the body and mind, washing away negativity or emotional blocks.

- Charging Crystals: Crystals can be cleansed and charged by being submerged in or spritzed with full moon water, enhancing their natural properties.

- Watering Plants: Some people believe that watering plants with full moon water helps them grow healthier by absorbing the moon’s energy.

- House Cleansing: You can sprinkle or spray full moon water around your home to cleanse and purify the space, especially after conflict, illness, or emotional upheaval.

- Spiritual Offerings: Full moon water can be used as an offering in spiritual ceremonies or left on altars to honor deities, ancestors, or natural forces.

Ritual baths are also a popular way to embrace full moon energy. By soaking in full moon water or water infused with herbs, salts, or oils, you can symbolically cleanse your body and spirit, washing away any negative energy or tension. This practice can help you feel more aligned with the natural flow of the lunar cycle and bring a sense of peace and renewal.

Full Moon Bath:

  • Draw a bath with moon water plus tap water or just tap water

  • Add in your salts, oils, or herbs and stir in your intentions

  • Soak & enjoy

Simmer pots are a great way to reset and cleanse the energy of your home, set the tine for your rituals, and help aide in your full moon magic. Simmer pots can be done anytime and you can doctor up your own recipes as well.

Full Moon Simmer Pot:

  • Get a pot and add water or moon water

  • Add ritual herbs

  • Stir in intentions clockwise

  • Let simmer supervised

Embracing the energy of the full moon is about tuning into its natural power and using it to align with your highest self. Whether through quiet reflection, cleansing rituals, or celebration, it offers a moment to pause, release, and renew, tapping into the cycles of nature and your own inner wisdom.

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