Here are your weekly shadow work prompts: Newest ones first

What is my current deepest desire?
What does emotional safety feel like in my body?
Write about an emotion that is hard to express outwardly. What comes up when the emotion surfaces? What can I do to soothe myself?
What do I value in myself?
What does peace feel like in my body? (what does it feel like when I am at peace?)
In what ways can I invite stillness into my life?
What makes me feel emotionally supported by others?
Do I have any fears lingering about shadow work I need to write about?
How have I been a bully to myself lately?
What does it feel like to be “in-flow” (in my body, in my head)
Write a small gratitude list
What does it feel like to be nurtured? Describe what it means to be nurtured
In what ways to I cultivate nurturing for myself?
How can I offer myself more care in the area of self-soothing?
Write about the word saftey and what it means personally.