Below are new shadow work prompts. (The newest ones will be added to the top)

When I am holding onto anger, resentment, where do I keep it in my body? (think about the physical sensations associated with feeling angry at someone. Where does it manifest the most intensely?)
Write about a time your kindness was not reciprocated. What was the situation? What feelings came up?
Is there something I have been wanting to say but have been afraid? Write it out
Do I feel at home in my friend group? Why or why not
How do I access clarity?
Do I trust my inner voice, my gut? Why or why not
Do I compare myself to others often? Explore the feelings around this
Write about a time you have recently felt like “escaping” mentally. What was the scenario, what contributed to your feelings?
What are some needs I find difficult to fulfill when they arise? (Eating when hungry, eating no when I’m too tired)
How do I create safety for myself?
What is something I like about myself and why?
What in myself am I thankful for? (attributes that i admire about myself)
How is gratitude an action?
Do I feel safe with myself? (explore what it feels and what it means to be safe in your own body)
What ways can I foster an environment of emotional safety for myself?
When do I feel disconnected to self? (Describe the feelings in the body, the mental sensations.)
Write about your first injustice. Describe the experience, feelings and reflections of this situation.
What does it mean to radically accept something?
When do I feel like I’m at my best?
Write about the first time you felt insecure or self conscious. What was the situation at that time?
What is your attitude towards your own healing path? Do you feel aligned? Do you feel like you’re falling “behind”? Explore your relationship with your healing process.
What does it mean to do my best?
What is my favorite thing about myself?
Write about the growth you've seen in yourself in the past year, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Finish the sentence: I can learn to accept ........
Added to my workbook thank you 🥰