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Writer's picturejess spain

Libra Season & Autumn Equinox

Updated: Oct 14

The story of Libra

Libra is the seventh sign and the only one to have a symbol that is neither animal nor human. The scales represent balance, harmony, justice and equilibrium. 

         Libra is associated with the harvest, in ancient times grains and crops were weighed on scales after they were harvested. The scales also have a more profound symbolism. They are the scales of judgment for the dead, where souls are weighed. 

         In Egyptian religion, the scales of judgment were the sole province of the God Anubis, Conductor of Souls. Anubis, who had the head of a jackal, guided the dead through the underworld and made sure they were weighed fairly. He was the master of balance. There is a painting, called the Papyrus of Ani, dated around 1500 B.C. that shows a judgment scene. Anubis is crouching by a large scale weighing the heart of a dead person. In one bowl of the scale rests the heart; in the other bowl Truth sits, symbolized by a feather. In this depiction, the scale is equally balanced. In Egyptian religion, the dead heart (or soul) had to be in harmony with Truth before it could pass into the afterlife. 

         The scales have also long been associated with the concept of justice and law.  In Greek Mythology, Justice is represented by the Goddess Themis, mother of Astraea. Themis and her daughter Astraea are the constellations of Libra and Virgo, who shine side by side in the firmament. The legend is that when the human race finally reaches its Golden Age, Themis and her daughter will return to Earth.

As the Sun enters Libra, it ushers in a period of balance, harmony, and reflection. Libra, ruled by Venus, is a sign associated with relationships, fairness, and beauty. During this transit, there’s a collective shift toward seeking equilibrium in both our personal lives and the world around us. It’s a time when we become more aware of how we relate to others, encouraging diplomacy and cooperation. Take a deep look at your relationships and how they are affecting your life, this is a great time for reflection and re-evaluation in this area.

The Sun in Libra enhances our desire for peace and understanding, making it a great period for resolving conflicts or deepening partnerships, take inventory of the costs and benefits. However, there’s also the challenge of indecision as we strive to weigh all sides of a situation. This energy encourages thoughtful deliberation, fairness, and a sense of justice. Take your time when it comes to evaluating your personal relationships. The energy of Libra is patient and willing to wait for the right time. Overall, it’s a period for fostering connections and bringing harmony to areas of imbalance in our lives.

Mindful Balance

Seeking balance mindfully means we don't just strive for external harmony or superficial peace; instead, we become aware of our inner state and how it aligns with the outer world. Libra’s energy encourages us to look at our relationships, decisions, and even our routines with a conscious intention to create equilibrium.

This period invites us to pause, reflect, and adjust where necessary. Whether it’s finding work-life balance, emotional stability, or making choices in relationships, the key is awareness. Bring awareness to yourself by journaling, seeking guidance from an outside source, meditating. Invite balance by being proactive in your quest for the present moment.

By being present in each moment, we can recognize where imbalance occurs and take thoughtful steps to restore harmony—not through avoidance or compromise, but by genuinely understanding what’s needed for our well-being and the well-being of those around us. In this way, Libra’s influence helps us create lasting peace by encouraging us to balance all aspects of our lives mindfully, with grace and consideration.

Here are some mindful actions you can take:

Reevaluate Relationships

- Take time to reflect on your relationships—both personal and professional. Consider how you contribute to these dynamics and where balance may need to be restored. Open communication and compromise will help strengthen connections.

Seek Balance in Daily Life

- Examine areas of your life that feel unbalanced. Whether it's work-life balance, physical vs. mental activity, or your diet, make small adjustments to bring more equilibrium. This could mean setting better boundaries or carving out time for self-care.

Embrace Diplomacy

- Libra season is the perfect time to practice diplomacy. If there’s conflict or tension in any area of your life, approach it with a desire for fairness and mutual understanding. Seek win-win solutions, where all parties benefit.

Cultivate Beauty and Harmony

- Libra, ruled by Venus, appreciates beauty and aesthetics. Use this time to create a harmonious environment, whether by redecorating a space, organizing your home, or surrounding yourself with things that uplift you. Even in small ways, create surroundings that feel peaceful and balanced.

Focus on Decision-Making

- Libra season may amplify indecisiveness as you weigh all sides of an issue. Practice making decisions from a place of balance—consider logic and emotions, pros and cons, and how each choice affects both you and others. Aim for fairness, but trust your intuition as well.

Collaborate and Network

- This is a great time to collaborate with others. Engage in joint projects, team up for creative ventures, or simply reach out to strengthen your network. Libra’s sociable energy makes it easier to connect, share ideas, and build harmonious partnerships.

Engage in Mindful Self-Reflection

- Use this period to engage in self-reflection through journaling or meditation. Focus on where you feel out of alignment with your goals and values. What can you do to bring more peace and balance into your inner world?

By taking these actions, you can align with Libra’s energy to create a more balanced, harmonious, and fulfilling life during this season.

Autumn Equinox

Today is also the Autumn Equinox. The Autumn Equinox marks the official beginning of fall and occurs when the Sun is directly above the equator, resulting in nearly equal day and night across the globe. It typically falls around September 22 in the Northern Hemisphere and March 20 in the Southern Hemisphere.

During the equinox, the tilt of the Earth's axis is such that neither hemisphere is leaning toward or away from the Sun, creating a moment of balance between light and darkness. From this point forward, in the Northern Hemisphere, days grow shorter and nights longer as the Sun continues its journey southward.

Symbolic Significance

The Autumn Equinox has long been a time for celebrating the harvest, gratitude, and preparing for the colder, darker months ahead. Many cultures and traditions honor this time with festivals and rituals focused on balance, transition, and introspection. It represents a period of reflection, letting go of what no longer serves us, and preparing for the inward focus that winter often brings.

This is a time to reflect on what you've "harvested" in your life—whether goals, personal growth, or relationships—and to find balance in preparation for the winter season.

Happy Libra Season and Autumn Equinox

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